The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Talent Hunt Idea was created in the Fraternity’s Sixth District (North and South Carolina) in 1945, and the first District Talent Hunt Program was held in Charlotte, North Carolina, on April 19th, 1946. The need for such a program was born out of the unequal opportunity afforded to some American youths to develop and give full expression to their talents.

The original statement of the Talent Hunt Idea included this expression: “Creative and outstanding capacities in any honorable activity should be eligible for consideration.” In presenting the first public program, the displays of talent were limited to the field of music.

The Talent Hunt Idea has become one of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’s National Projects, with all graduate chapters mandated to conduct an Annual Talent Hunt Program. On the Local and District levels, the project is competitive. At the National level the program is both competitive and demonstrative. The National Program is made up of District Winners, who by their talent, diligence, ability and potential appear as Guests of the Fraternity. At this stage of our growth the Talent Hunt Idea is proceeding on the National level along three lines:

1. At each session of the Grand Conclave, a Talent Hunt demonstration is presented to the public.

2. In addition, Omega is also interested in what it calls a “Fundamental Search for Talent.” Here the Fraternity hopes to develop the process and resources through which it can help discover and provide assistance, as may be needed, to young people who have shown and possess talents of outstanding and exceptional quality. The field of interest will not be limited to music but all areas of the performing arts.

3. In our projected planning we hope to further encourage the Contestants on our Talent Hunt Programs by recommending them to our chapters and other Organizations throughout the United States for presentations in their respective communities.

Talent Hunt Contestants that advance at the local level have the opportunity to perform at the Fraternity district meeting. There are cash prizes at all levels, except on the International level. The individual that represents the local chapter will be provided with lodging and meals. The Talent Hunt Program has been very rewarding to Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and many talented youth. We will continue to search for and support our gifted youth.


I. Participation in the Talent Hunt is open for the following forms of trained art:

Music: Vocal and instrumental; classical, semi-classical, gospel and jazz. A printed copy of the music (score) is required for the judges to analyze.
Interpretive Movement to Music: ballet, modern dance and tap.
Speech: Poetry, oration, monologue, etc. (Printed script should be provided for each judge to analyze)
Visual Art: Sculpture, photography, drawing and painting.

II. Basic Rules for Participation in the District and International Talent Hunt:
Contestant must be a high school student who has not advanced beyond a senior at time of the Local Talent Hunt (9 – 12).
All presentations including instrumental numbers must be memorized and must be dignified and in good taste.
Track music may be used for accompaniment as long as there is no lead instrumental or background vocals included on the track.
The Talent Hunt is a competition on the Chapter and District levels.

III. Psi Pi Chapter Rules: 

  • You must be a resident of the Clarksville/Montgomery County high school  community designated by your residence address on your application.
  • You must complete and return the Talent Hunt application and Talent Hunt Parent Consent form.
  • Auditions are being held now by submitting an online video to Google Classroom (Class Code: s2kxzei) :
    https://classroom.google.com/c/NzIxOTczNDM3NzM0?cjc=s2kxzei.  February 7th!!
  • The Talent Hunt Competition will be finalized by a panel of judges.  Talent Hunt Competition will be in late February.  T.B.A. – COMING SOON!


Partnering to build a world where our youth prosper.

Psi Pi Chapter was chartered November 12, 1975 with the assistance of E. Hyburnia Williams – Rho Psi 1954. Psi Pi chapter has serviced the Clarksville & Ft. Campbell community for 40 years.


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